Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Dec. 2009 Newsletter - FROM FR. ALDRICH’S DESK
Recently I was talking to one of our lay evangelists, Hsu Jr-syung about his work and asked him "why are so many catechumens at St. John's Parish willing to attend make up classes." The reason for asking this is that because people in Taiwan really are very busy with work and family responsibilities, so they often ask permission to miss a class; but generally it is difficult to get them to make up these classes. Jr-syung's response was that during the pre-catechumenate period he was able to lead them toward a deeper prayer experience and at least an initial conversion; the result was that they feel a stronger desire not to miss any important teaching about Jesus and our Catholic Faith. I was very happy to hear him say this: for we have been trying to find ways of leading "pre-catechumens" to pray as early as possible; hoping this will be the surest way of leading them to a relationship with Jesus Christ and the Father: that is, to conversion.
According to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the pre-catechumenate is "a time of evangelization: [when] those who are not yet Christians, their hearts opened to the Holy Spirit, may believe and be freely converted to the Lord and commit themselves freely to Him." But immediately a problem becomes evident: many catechumen courses assume a conversion that has not yet taken place. So we have been struggling here in Taiwan to develop an effective pre-catechumenate, one that really helps the pre-catechumen to come to a conversion. We know some things are helpful: teaching them forms of mental pray as soon as possible; encouraging the practice of petitionary prayers; a weekend retreat focused on the Holy Spirit; and much intense prayer on our part for each catechumen. We also find the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens is a great help to the pre-catechumens for stabilizing and deepening their conversion and commitment.
I am convinced the one thing we must become excellent at is achieving the goal of the pre-catechumenate: first proclamation evangelism leading to conversion: especially since most who come through our "one-brings-one" evangelism outreach literally start from zero as far as an explicit relationship with Jesus. If any of you have ideas or experiences which would help us to create a more effective pre-catechumenate for the Chinese, please share them with us.
Dec. 2009 Newsletter - FRUITS ON THE VINE
In Taiwan almost parishes generally schedule time of Baptism for Christmas or Easter or patron feast of the Parish. At the present time our Evangelism Centers are leading 152 catechumens in 16 catechumen courses aimed at those dates.
Catechumen Courses in start up phase
We have already begun "one brings one" training and seeking catechumens phase with following parishes: St. Theresa, Kaoshuing; St. Patrick, Tai-chung County; Cathedral, Taipei.
Recent Baptisms
St. Joseph, Lu-chou (11);
St. John, Ban-chiau (15); Tien Hospital (6).
One-Brings-One Evangelizing Prayer Communities
Sacred Heart, Taipei (15 members);
St. Joseph, Lu-chou (two groups. 24 members);
Holy Family, Taipei (8 members);
Our Lady of China (10 members).
Dec. 2009 Newsletter - LATEST UPDATES
In mid-October we opened a new Evangelism Center in Tai-chung (in middle of Taiwan) which so far is being staffed by a recent graduate, Wang Wan-sywen. Bishop Hsu has welcomed us and provided a rent free office near the Cathedral. At the end of February our lay evangelist Huang Hwei-ming (Grace), who has been working very successfully in Lu-chou the past two years, will join this Center. Already many parishes are asking us to assist their evangelism work.
Invitation from the Bishop Lee of Hsin-chu Diocese
The Bishop of Hsin-chu, Lee Ke-ming, has asked us to help promote first proclamation evangelism in his dioceses. At present we are working with the Vicar of the Dioceses and other priest of Hsin-chu to develop a five year plan to both promote direct evangelism and train better their present catechists: most of whom now do mainly pastoral and administrative work and have little training or experience in direct evangelism.
Dec. 2009 Newsletter - MEET OUR LAY EVANGELIST
At the present time she is working on nine catechumen courses and leading two 101 Evangelism Prayer Communities (with a total of 24 members, 14 of whom are newly baptized Catholics). Three group catechumen courses, with a total of 15 catechumens, were developed through these 101 Evangelism Prayer Communities. With her tender loving personality, she offers five individual catechumen courses with a total of 6 people. On Saturdays, Grace and 10 members of the 101 Evangelism Prayer Community visit a Convalescent Home at which 25 – 30 residents regularly participate in a specially adapted pre-catechumen program; already nine of the residents have asked to be baptized and begun simplified catechism classes.
Grace is also now being supported by a Mission Circle of benefactors. At present this Mission Circle is made of six "cells" with a total of 33 individuals who not only financially support Grace's evangelical ministry, but also, as mission partners, pray for her and her catechumens.
2009年12月通訊- 牧者的話
最近與我們的一位福傳師 - 許智雄談他的工作時,我問他:“為什麼這麼多聖若望教堂的慕道友願意補課?”這麼問他的原因是因為在台灣的人,為了工作與家庭,非常忙碌,所以他們會請假,但是要他們補課卻不是很容易。他回答說:當他們參加慕道前期班時,他帶領他們做一些比較深入的祈禱和有一些初步歸依的經驗,導致於他們很珍惜關於耶穌和天主教信仰的教導。我很高興聽到他這麼說,因為我們在找尋不同的方法,帶領這些福傳對象盡早開始祈禱, 希望藉此能帶領他們與耶穌和天父建立一種關係,亦即所謂的歸依的關係.
根據“成人入門禮”,慕道前期是 “一個福傳的時期:當一位尚未追隨耶穌的人,向聖神打開他的心時,即有可能相信並自發性地歸向並獻身於天主.”但是問題馬上就發生了: 很多的慕道班都假設慕道友的歸依經驗尚未發生。所以我們在台灣努力的幫助福傳對象在慕道前期就能有歸依的經驗,並為研發一套有效並能在實質上有幫助的慕道前期而奮鬥。我們已知道一些有幫助的事,像是:盡快教他們心禱,鼓勵他們做信友禱詞性的簡短祈求,參加一個週末的聖神營和福傳師們密切地為慕道友們祈禱。我們也發現慕道禮儀中的收錄禮能穩定及加深慕道友們的歸依和獻身。
一件事我深信必需做得很好,那就是要達到慕道前期的目標:直接福傳(註:從非教友到領洗) 需引導福傳對象有歸依的經驗。尤其是經由我們一領一福傳帶來的福傳對象,他們大多數與耶穌的關係都從零開始。歡迎你與我們分享一些可以更有效地幫助華人慕道前期的經驗或想法。
艾立勤神父Fr. Lou Aldrich S.J.
2009年12月通訊- 福傳成果分享
蘆洲聖若瑟堂(11人),板橋聖若望堂(15人), 台北耕莘醫院(6人)
蘆洲聖若瑟堂(兩組24人),台北聖心堂(15人), 台北聖家堂(8人),中華聖母堂(10人)
2009年12月通訊- 最新消息
新竹教區的李主教邀請我們幫助他推廣教區的福傳工作。目前我們與教區的副主教和新竹地區的神父們研發一個五年計劃, 去推動直接福傳和加強現有傳道員的培訓。 大多數現有的人員主要做牧靈和行政的工作, 缺少直接福傳的經驗或培訓。
2009年12月通訊- 福傳視窗
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Vision and Mission
Evangelism of the Chinese by the Chinese
Local bishops, priests, and religious are really working hard to spread the Gospel, but because of the demands for pastoral, administrative, and educational ministries, they need lay evangelists to aid them in the mission of evangelism in order to:
- Proclaim the Gospel to the Chinese
- Lead them to conversion to Christ
- Inculturate the Gospel within Chinese culture
Evangelism must not stop or retreat:
- Proactively help lay persons discover and answer the call to be professional lay evangelists.
- Provide such persons with specialized formation for evangelism.
- Through systematic research, to provide professional lay evangelists with successful and effective methods of evangelism.
- Through spiritual, human, and financial support to sustain lay evangelists in their mission of evangelism.
- Formation of Lay Professional Missionaries (Evangelists)
- Parish-driven promotion of evangelism
- Action plan clearly detailed towards goal
- Formation Center,
- Evangelism Research Center, and
- (Working) Evangelism Center.
Lay Missionary formation program is in three aspects:
- Spiritual Formation.As an individual, the lay missionary should be a spiritually mature person, Catholic, and evangelist.
- Overall Formation.Understand well fundamental doctrines of the Catholic Faith.Students take 108 units in three academic years: Theology Courses (50 units), Evangelism theories and practice (46 units), Inculturation Courses (12 units), and Spiritual Formation.
- Theory and practice of Evangelism.Students learn:
- How to motivate parishioners to start One-Brings-One Evangelism
- How to attract non-Catholics into the Church
- Effective catecheses for groups and individuals
The evangelism process has two major stages:
- The first stage is attracting non-Catholics.
- One-Brings-One Systematic Evangelism.
- One-Brings-One Evangelism Prayer Community.
- Through these One-Brings-One programs, every parishioner invites at least one relative, friend, or colleague to participate in RCIA course. one of the two programs
- Pre-catechumen programs. Gradual introduction to the faith, especially through small group sharing and prayer and beginning to form a community.
- Prayer Retreat. Weekend retreat of deeper prayer and being prayed for: this weekend usually leads to a commitment to the full catechumen course.
- Catechumen Course. A fuller understanding and participation in the Catholic Faith.
Check payble to CPSJ and write in Memo section: Chinese Lay Missionaries , then mail to:
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Jesuit California Province
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On-line Donation: http://www.jesuitscalifornia.org, at Support Our Mission. Write in the Comments box: Chinese Lay Missionaries to ensure the correct allocation of the funds.
If there is any question, please contact Yvonne Chow at chineselaymissionaries@yahoo.com
THANK YOU for supporting the
Life-changing and lifesaving work for Chinese Lay MissionariesMission Circle
I. Purpose:
A Mission Circle is a volunteer group of Catholics who support our lay missionary/evangelists by "adopting an evangelist". This adoption would include not only financial support, but also spiritual support through prayer and penance. It would also include getting to know the adopted evangelist, on going knowledge of how his or her evangelism work is progressing, maybe something about his personal situation, sharing experience about what is working or not working in Taiwan with their own communities, etc. In this way each member of the Mission Circle can participate in a more personal way as partners with our Chinese Lay Missionaries.
II. Financial Goal of Each Circle:
Since it takes about US$20,000 per year per evangelist for salary, insurance, retirement, transportation and equipment, US$20,000 per year is the financial goal of each Mission Circle.
III. Structure:
Each Circle is made up of Cells. Ideally the members of each Cell should know each other and live in the same general geographical area. Normally each cell should have a Cell Coordinator. Each member of each Cell should give financial support of at least 500US$ per year and the minimum total donation per Cell should be 2,500US$.
The number of Cells per Mission Circle will depend upon the number of members of each Cell and the donation each member is able to make. Hence, some Cells might have ten members who donate 1,000US$ each, or twenty members who donate 500US$ each, or five members who donate 500US$ each. The minimum number of Cells per Circle would be one; the maximum number would be eight. The final arrangement of Cells to form a complete Mission Circle will be the responsibility of Yvonne Chow.
IV. Responsibilities
A. Circle Members: In addition to the minimum financial support indicated above, the responsibility of each member of the Mission Circle is to support the lay missionary through prayer, penance and human encouragement. Direct, first proclamation evangelism is a very difficult mission and it deeply needs the spiritual and human support of the Mission Circle members. The financial commitment is made for one year; but we hope some individual members and Cells will be able to make longer two to three year commitments.
B. Cell Coordinators: to recruit Circle members into his/her Cell, provide Yvonne Chow with basic contact information, to inform her of any change in status of Cell members.
C. Lay Missionary: The responsibility of the lay missionary is to periodically communicate with each supporting member their present missionary work, evangelism experience, difficulties and fruits of their mission. Further, the lay evangelist will share with Mission Circle members who are themselves working on evangelism programs, any non-copyrighted materials we have developed in Taiwan that might be helpful to them.
At least once a year Fr. Louis Aldrich will offer members of the Mission Circle both a chance for a weekend retreat and a one day workshop on "first proclamation" Evangelism. Attendance will be voluntary.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
May 2009 Newsletter - fm Fr. Aldrich
I want to share with you one part of our formation programs, developing the ability to lead a complete Catechumen class. Before the catechumen class begins there is the hard work of finding catechumen candidates through different forms of "one brings one" recruitment programs, street evangelism, and advertising. Along with the catechumen class is the important service of pastoral concern for each catechumen. After Baptism we try to arrange a good community experience for the first year.
In order to enliven and make interesting the classes, especially in the pre-catechumen period, the students learn how to lead songs of praise and worship and to organize activities to arouse in and make more easily understood the theme of the day (for example, God as Creator or one the Sacraments). Using multi-media they should present the theme in a way that is logically clear, establishes emotional rapport, is interesting and leads toward Faith and arouses spiritual reflections and desires. The students also need to learn how to facilitate small group discussions that help the catechumens share questions and insights about the Faith and begin to build a community with fellow catechumens. They must also gradually teach the catechumens how to pray and prepare week-end retreats for the catechumens.
Finally, the students need to understand the process of conversion to help the catechumen make a final conversion to Jesus Christ. While theoretical knowledge is necessary, these practical abilities and the proper attitude of dependence on Jesus can only be developed with concrete practice: hence, from the first year, all our students help to run catechumen classes. By the time they graduate, most students have a basic, practical understanding of how to run a catechumen course; and more important, through experiences of both failure and success, they learn that they must continually pray and work according to God's will if there is to be any good fruit.
May 2009 Newsletter - evangelism
For example, in the case of Lu-chou St. Joseph Parish where many of parishioners found it very difficult to participate in the Systematic One Brings One program. This is because they were afraid that if they invited friends to come to a catechumen class this might hurt their relationship.
“One Brings One Evangelism Prayer Community” helped the parishioners to overcome their fear of evangelism. Through spiritual formation, companionship and friendship within the group they received God’s healing gifts physically, psychologically and spiritually. Gradually they became cheerful, courageous, altruistic and enthusiastic evangelism warriors. They wanted more people to experience the love, blessing and healing of God, which they themselves had experienced.
At St. Joseph Parish, 10 of the 17 newly baptized in 2009 were brought into the catechumen class through the one brings one evangelism prayer community.
May 2009 Newsletter - fruits of the vine
In the past and with this group of the newly baptized we encouraged them to join a “One Brings One Evangelism Prayer Community.” In the past many joined these communities and in this way they continued their Christian development and began themselves to evangelize others.
We give thanks and praises to the Lord for the fruits of the year of 2009!
May 2009 Newsletter - latest updates
There are 13 to 14 people meeting regularly at the Holy Name of Jesus Parish and 13 people at St. Joseph Hospital. Among the 13 at St. Joseph Hospital, five to six are non-Catholics and the remaining are returning Catholics.
May 2009 Newsletter - a story from the field
Paul had terminal liver cancer and stomach cancer. Doctors estimated he had only six months to live, so he decided to give up the medical treatment. His wife, an alienated Catholic, accompanied him to alternative treatments for three months, but there was no improvement. She felt hopeless and wandered to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish. She happened to meet me while I was the usher at a parish event and I introduced her to our “One Brings One Evangelism Prayer Community” gathering. With the companionship of the group, she experienced the healing of her body, soul, and mind, and rebuilt her faith.
In a healing prayer meeting, Paul’s terminal stomach cancer was miraculously healed! He started the liver cancer chemo therapy, and during the chemo treatment, Paul deeply felt God’s consolation and peace. He learned to appreciate life and treasure the harmonious relationships with his family members and friends. Paul also deeply felt God’s blessing and had a strong desire to be a Christian because of the healing of his stomach cancer. He actively participated in One Brings One Evangelism Prayer Community. He faithfully attended Mass after he was baptized and often wept due to God’s love.
Believe in the Lord Jesus and You and Your Household Will Be Saved!
Ah Jiao practiced the local folk religion. Because of financial difficulty, she was searching for a new life and came to the “Journey of True Love” catechumen class. It is very difficult to take Sunday off as a city bus driver, but she made every effort to take each Sunday off so she could attend the catechumen class. Ah Jiao took the catechumen class very seriously; she searched and explored Catholicism, lived a prayerful life, and entrusted her life to the Lord.
Ah Jiao planned to be baptized at Easter Vigil, but was seriously injured in a car accident two and half months before the baptism. She recovered quickly because of her faith in God. There is one thing worth mentioning – following Jesus, she kindly forgave the culprit who injured her and negotiated the compensation with a loving heart. On the day she was baptized, she knew that she had become a new person because of Jesus. She now sees her family and surroundings with a new heart.
Praise the Lord! Her daughter, who had dropped out from school, overcame depression and is back in school. Her son, who was a vagrant, told her that he will find a job and try to live a meaningful life. Ah Jiao is truly a witness of the salvation of Jesus!
Monday, June 29, 2009
2009年5月通訊- 牧者的話
首先,在慕道班開班前,我們會透過不同的「101 / 一領一」福傳:a.系統性101福傳、b.101福傳祈禱小團體、c.街頭佈道與宣傳等方式,尋找慕道對象。在慕道課程中,以牧養關懷照顧、引導每位慕道者與天主建立愛的關係,和不斷皈依天主。
其 次,學生會學習如何以帶領敬拜與讚美,及規劃活動等方式來激發團體動力。透過運用多元媒體,以清楚的邏輯、可以建立契合情感的方式呈現主題,為使主題更加 生動有趣,也更易於理解,以激發慕道者靈性的反思與渴求。然後,學生還要學習如何促進慕道小組討論,來幫助慕道者彼此分享,協助他們與同儕建立共同隸屬的 團體。他們也要逐步地教導慕道者如何祈禱,及如何為慕道者準備週末的退省。
2009年5月通訊- 華人福傳
2009年5月通訊- 真人真事
預 備今年復活夜領洗的阿嬌,竟在領洗前兩個半月遭遇車禍,嚴重受傷。但她信賴天主的信德,幫助她極快復原。值得一提的是,她效法基督,以仁慈對待肇事者,以 愛德交涉賠償;並且徹底原諒對方所造成的傷害,因她知道主掌管明天。領洗那日,她知道自己因耶穌而成為新造的人,她以嶄新的眼光面對家人與環境。
讚美天 主!最近,她輟學的女兒走出了憂鬱低潮,願意回到學校完成學業;原本無所事事的兒子也主動告訴阿嬌,他要找份工作,好好過日子。阿嬌的經驗見證了基督最美 的救贖!
2009年5月通訊- 最新動態
我們在高雄的福傳中心,於今年的二月、四月,分別在耶穌聖名堂與聖功醫院開設了新的慕道班。並將於今年 六月二十七日 在聖文生堂開設第三個慕道班。
2009年5月通訊- 成果分享