A Key to the Conversion Experience
Recently I was talking to one of our lay evangelists, Hsu Jr-syung about his work and asked him "why are so many catechumens at St. John's Parish willing to attend make up classes." The reason for asking this is that because people in Taiwan really are very busy with work and family responsibilities, so they often ask permission to miss a class; but generally it is difficult to get them to make up these classes. Jr-syung's response was that during the pre-catechumenate period he was able to lead them toward a deeper prayer experience and at least an initial conversion; the result was that they feel a stronger desire not to miss any important teaching about Jesus and our Catholic Faith. I was very happy to hear him say this: for we have been trying to find ways of leading "pre-catechumens" to pray as early as possible; hoping this will be the surest way of leading them to a relationship with Jesus Christ and the Father: that is, to conversion.
According to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the pre-catechumenate is "a time of evangelization: [when] those who are not yet Christians, their hearts opened to the Holy Spirit, may believe and be freely converted to the Lord and commit themselves freely to Him." But immediately a problem becomes evident: many catechumen courses assume a conversion that has not yet taken place. So we have been struggling here in Taiwan to develop an effective pre-catechumenate, one that really helps the pre-catechumen to come to a conversion. We know some things are helpful: teaching them forms of mental pray as soon as possible; encouraging the practice of petitionary prayers; a weekend retreat focused on the Holy Spirit; and much intense prayer on our part for each catechumen. We also find the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens is a great help to the pre-catechumens for stabilizing and deepening their conversion and commitment.
I am convinced the one thing we must become excellent at is achieving the goal of the pre-catechumenate: first proclamation evangelism leading to conversion: especially since most who come through our "one-brings-one" evangelism outreach literally start from zero as far as an explicit relationship with Jesus. If any of you have ideas or experiences which would help us to create a more effective pre-catechumenate for the Chinese, please share them with us.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Dec. 2009 Newsletter - FRUITS ON THE VINE
Catechumen Courses in progress
In Taiwan almost parishes generally schedule time of Baptism for Christmas or Easter or patron feast of the Parish. At the present time our Evangelism Centers are leading 152 catechumens in 16 catechumen courses aimed at those dates.
Catechumen Courses in start up phase
We have already begun "one brings one" training and seeking catechumens phase with following parishes: St. Theresa, Kaoshuing; St. Patrick, Tai-chung County; Cathedral, Taipei.
Recent Baptisms
St. Joseph, Lu-chou (11);
St. John, Ban-chiau (15); Tien Hospital (6).
One-Brings-One Evangelizing Prayer Communities
Sacred Heart, Taipei (15 members);
St. Joseph, Lu-chou (two groups. 24 members);
Holy Family, Taipei (8 members);
Our Lady of China (10 members).
In Taiwan almost parishes generally schedule time of Baptism for Christmas or Easter or patron feast of the Parish. At the present time our Evangelism Centers are leading 152 catechumens in 16 catechumen courses aimed at those dates.
Catechumen Courses in start up phase
We have already begun "one brings one" training and seeking catechumens phase with following parishes: St. Theresa, Kaoshuing; St. Patrick, Tai-chung County; Cathedral, Taipei.
Recent Baptisms
St. Joseph, Lu-chou (11);
St. John, Ban-chiau (15); Tien Hospital (6).
One-Brings-One Evangelizing Prayer Communities
Sacred Heart, Taipei (15 members);
St. Joseph, Lu-chou (two groups. 24 members);
Holy Family, Taipei (8 members);
Our Lady of China (10 members).
Dec. 2009 Newsletter - LATEST UPDATES
New Evangelism Center in Tai-chung
In mid-October we opened a new Evangelism Center in Tai-chung (in middle of Taiwan) which so far is being staffed by a recent graduate, Wang Wan-sywen. Bishop Hsu has welcomed us and provided a rent free office near the Cathedral. At the end of February our lay evangelist Huang Hwei-ming (Grace), who has been working very successfully in Lu-chou the past two years, will join this Center. Already many parishes are asking us to assist their evangelism work.
Invitation from the Bishop Lee of Hsin-chu Diocese
The Bishop of Hsin-chu, Lee Ke-ming, has asked us to help promote first proclamation evangelism in his dioceses. At present we are working with the Vicar of the Dioceses and other priest of Hsin-chu to develop a five year plan to both promote direct evangelism and train better their present catechists: most of whom now do mainly pastoral and administrative work and have little training or experience in direct evangelism.
In mid-October we opened a new Evangelism Center in Tai-chung (in middle of Taiwan) which so far is being staffed by a recent graduate, Wang Wan-sywen. Bishop Hsu has welcomed us and provided a rent free office near the Cathedral. At the end of February our lay evangelist Huang Hwei-ming (Grace), who has been working very successfully in Lu-chou the past two years, will join this Center. Already many parishes are asking us to assist their evangelism work.
Invitation from the Bishop Lee of Hsin-chu Diocese
The Bishop of Hsin-chu, Lee Ke-ming, has asked us to help promote first proclamation evangelism in his dioceses. At present we are working with the Vicar of the Dioceses and other priest of Hsin-chu to develop a five year plan to both promote direct evangelism and train better their present catechists: most of whom now do mainly pastoral and administrative work and have little training or experience in direct evangelism.
Dec. 2009 Newsletter - MEET OUR LAY EVANGELIST
Huang Hwei-ming (Grace) is a graduate from our Evangelism Department's inaugural class and one of the first three evangelists at our Taipei Evangelism Center. She has done a successful job in catechumen programs at Luchou's St. Joseph Parish. Many parishioners did not feel worthy to participate in church ministries, but she encouraged them to bring non-Catholic friends to Church and many of their friends were baptized later. Over the last year and half, through her efforts in cooperation with the members of St. Joseph Parish, 41 non-Catholics have been led to Baptism. Another 20 catechumens are preparing for Baptism at the end of February.
At the present time she is working on nine catechumen courses and leading two 101 Evangelism Prayer Communities (with a total of 24 members, 14 of whom are newly baptized Catholics). Three group catechumen courses, with a total of 15 catechumens, were developed through these 101 Evangelism Prayer Communities. With her tender loving personality, she offers five individual catechumen courses with a total of 6 people. On Saturdays, Grace and 10 members of the 101 Evangelism Prayer Community visit a Convalescent Home at which 25 – 30 residents regularly participate in a specially adapted pre-catechumen program; already nine of the residents have asked to be baptized and begun simplified catechism classes.
Grace is also now being supported by a Mission Circle of benefactors. At present this Mission Circle is made of six "cells" with a total of 33 individuals who not only financially support Grace's evangelical ministry, but also, as mission partners, pray for her and her catechumens.
At the present time she is working on nine catechumen courses and leading two 101 Evangelism Prayer Communities (with a total of 24 members, 14 of whom are newly baptized Catholics). Three group catechumen courses, with a total of 15 catechumens, were developed through these 101 Evangelism Prayer Communities. With her tender loving personality, she offers five individual catechumen courses with a total of 6 people. On Saturdays, Grace and 10 members of the 101 Evangelism Prayer Community visit a Convalescent Home at which 25 – 30 residents regularly participate in a specially adapted pre-catechumen program; already nine of the residents have asked to be baptized and begun simplified catechism classes.
Grace is also now being supported by a Mission Circle of benefactors. At present this Mission Circle is made of six "cells" with a total of 33 individuals who not only financially support Grace's evangelical ministry, but also, as mission partners, pray for her and her catechumens.
A Story from the Field,
MIssion Circle
2009年12月通訊- 牧者的話
最近與我們的一位福傳師 - 許智雄談他的工作時,我問他:“為什麼這麼多聖若望教堂的慕道友願意補課?”這麼問他的原因是因為在台灣的人,為了工作與家庭,非常忙碌,所以他們會請假,但是要他們補課卻不是很容易。他回答說:當他們參加慕道前期班時,他帶領他們做一些比較深入的祈禱和有一些初步歸依的經驗,導致於他們很珍惜關於耶穌和天主教信仰的教導。我很高興聽到他這麼說,因為我們在找尋不同的方法,帶領這些福傳對象盡早開始祈禱, 希望藉此能帶領他們與耶穌和天父建立一種關係,亦即所謂的歸依的關係.
根據“成人入門禮”,慕道前期是 “一個福傳的時期:當一位尚未追隨耶穌的人,向聖神打開他的心時,即有可能相信並自發性地歸向並獻身於天主.”但是問題馬上就發生了: 很多的慕道班都假設慕道友的歸依經驗尚未發生。所以我們在台灣努力的幫助福傳對象在慕道前期就能有歸依的經驗,並為研發一套有效並能在實質上有幫助的慕道前期而奮鬥。我們已知道一些有幫助的事,像是:盡快教他們心禱,鼓勵他們做信友禱詞性的簡短祈求,參加一個週末的聖神營和福傳師們密切地為慕道友們祈禱。我們也發現慕道禮儀中的收錄禮能穩定及加深慕道友們的歸依和獻身。
一件事我深信必需做得很好,那就是要達到慕道前期的目標:直接福傳(註:從非教友到領洗) 需引導福傳對象有歸依的經驗。尤其是經由我們一領一福傳帶來的福傳對象,他們大多數與耶穌的關係都從零開始。歡迎你與我們分享一些可以更有效地幫助華人慕道前期的經驗或想法。
艾立勤神父Fr. Lou Aldrich S.J.
最近與我們的一位福傳師 - 許智雄談他的工作時,我問他:“為什麼這麼多聖若望教堂的慕道友願意補課?”這麼問他的原因是因為在台灣的人,為了工作與家庭,非常忙碌,所以他們會請假,但是要他們補課卻不是很容易。他回答說:當他們參加慕道前期班時,他帶領他們做一些比較深入的祈禱和有一些初步歸依的經驗,導致於他們很珍惜關於耶穌和天主教信仰的教導。我很高興聽到他這麼說,因為我們在找尋不同的方法,帶領這些福傳對象盡早開始祈禱, 希望藉此能帶領他們與耶穌和天父建立一種關係,亦即所謂的歸依的關係.
根據“成人入門禮”,慕道前期是 “一個福傳的時期:當一位尚未追隨耶穌的人,向聖神打開他的心時,即有可能相信並自發性地歸向並獻身於天主.”但是問題馬上就發生了: 很多的慕道班都假設慕道友的歸依經驗尚未發生。所以我們在台灣努力的幫助福傳對象在慕道前期就能有歸依的經驗,並為研發一套有效並能在實質上有幫助的慕道前期而奮鬥。我們已知道一些有幫助的事,像是:盡快教他們心禱,鼓勵他們做信友禱詞性的簡短祈求,參加一個週末的聖神營和福傳師們密切地為慕道友們祈禱。我們也發現慕道禮儀中的收錄禮能穩定及加深慕道友們的歸依和獻身。
一件事我深信必需做得很好,那就是要達到慕道前期的目標:直接福傳(註:從非教友到領洗) 需引導福傳對象有歸依的經驗。尤其是經由我們一領一福傳帶來的福傳對象,他們大多數與耶穌的關係都從零開始。歡迎你與我們分享一些可以更有效地幫助華人慕道前期的經驗或想法。
艾立勤神父Fr. Lou Aldrich S.J.
2009年12月通訊- 福傳成果分享
蘆洲聖若瑟堂(11人),板橋聖若望堂(15人), 台北耕莘醫院(6人)
蘆洲聖若瑟堂(兩組24人),台北聖心堂(15人), 台北聖家堂(8人),中華聖母堂(10人)
蘆洲聖若瑟堂(11人),板橋聖若望堂(15人), 台北耕莘醫院(6人)
蘆洲聖若瑟堂(兩組24人),台北聖心堂(15人), 台北聖家堂(8人),中華聖母堂(10人)
2009年12月通訊- 最新消息
新竹教區的李主教邀請我們幫助他推廣教區的福傳工作。目前我們與教區的副主教和新竹地區的神父們研發一個五年計劃, 去推動直接福傳和加強現有傳道員的培訓。 大多數現有的人員主要做牧靈和行政的工作, 缺少直接福傳的經驗或培訓。
新竹教區的李主教邀請我們幫助他推廣教區的福傳工作。目前我們與教區的副主教和新竹地區的神父們研發一個五年計劃, 去推動直接福傳和加強現有傳道員的培訓。 大多數現有的人員主要做牧靈和行政的工作, 缺少直接福傳的經驗或培訓。
2009年12月通訊- 福傳視窗
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