I know that many of our benefactor's are themselves striving to evangelize in their own communities and parishes. To do "first proclamation" evangelism well requires leading catechumens to conversion, giving them spiritual and human counseling, instructing them in the Catholic Faith, teaching them to pray, helping them to integrate into parish community, etc. But there is a necessary condition before this process can begin: that a non-Catholic be attracted to begin learning about God, Jesus, the Holy Trinity. We are all looking for the most effective method: but in fact we find that for methods that "work" there is a trade-off between the amount of effort and expense "put out” and the result obtained. That is, for methods that work, some require relatively less effort and expense, but also attract less people; some attract more people, but require relatively greater amounts of effort and expense. More important, it seems all efforts that work require some degree of "one-brings-one" evangelism from the average Catholic of the parish in combination with a professional level of preparation and follow-up of the event. Today, I will focus on why some of the "high effort, high expense" one-brings-one events succeed and why others fail.
In Taichung, Mother of God Parish, the pastor promoted an "One-Brings-One Year-end Party": the parishioners invited their non-Catholic friends to attend this year end dinner (the Catholics paid for the dinner). About 600 attended, with about 200 non-Catholic's coming. Coupled with this our lay evangelist worked very hard to see that each table had a questionnaire for each person attending to fill out (to get basic information of name, phone number, interests of non-Catholics). The fact that the questionnaire was filled out during the dinner and that it was collected led to many difficulties. In the weeks after the dinner, our lay evangelist contacted the non-Catholics who had indicated some interest in learning about the Catholic Church and invited them to pre-catechumenate classes (this process requires intense, difficult work). Eventually 20 were baptized from those who had attended the year end dinner: but the dinner required much effort to organize and much follow-up effort. By comparison, I know of several instances of large scale "one brings one" evangelism events (for example, musical concerts), which required as much effort and expense to put on, where a similar number of non-Catholics attended, 200 and above, but resulted in not a single Baptism: because no one created a method for getting basic information about non-Catholics or else failed to follow-up systematically and invite them to attend a catechumen class.
As the above experiences show, we have learned that high effort, high expense evangelism events can be worth it; but also learned that they have to be very carefully planned and followed-up: otherwise, the final result is frustration and reluctance to make any evangelism efforts in the future. In future newsletters I will share about one-brings-one activities that require relatively "less effort, less expense" and the kind of results they give.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
A New Evangelist at the Newest Center
Evangelist Lianhaw Chou at Pingtung Center
After completing three and half years of study and practice at the Fu Jen Theologate Evangelism Section, I went back to my home town, Chaozhou Town in Pingtung County on January 16, and formally started our fifth Evangelism Center there on March 1, 2011: and began to pray one hour each day for God's blessing on our evangelism mission.
To start this new evangelism ministry, Fr. Aldrich and I met with Fr. Giovanni Venturucci, the pastor of Chaozhou parish to form new Catechumen groups. We decided to first visit parishioners, especially alienated Catholics. To get started in this, I have re-organized parish data, evaluated parishioners’ interest, and then designed the programs accordingly. I have also been actively participating in local church activities, building networks, and teaching parishioners how to pray more systematically for the conversion of their non-Catholic friends and family members. Parishioner training on how to invite non-Catholics started in May, and a Catechumen class started on June 12.
Since March 26, I have also been been assisting Rev. Arsenio Escabusa, OAR, the pastor of St. Michael's Church, teaching and giving pastoral counseling to eleven catechumens. The baptisms are scheduled for Christmas Day.
At the local Deanery meeting, I had a chance to introduce our parish evangelism ministry. The parishes at the near-by Deaneries, i.e. Neipu、Longcyuan、Wantan、Wanluan are willing to begin catechumen classes in cooperation with our Center after the month of June.
After completing three and half years of study and practice at the Fu Jen Theologate Evangelism Section, I went back to my home town, Chaozhou Town in Pingtung County on January 16, and formally started our fifth Evangelism Center there on March 1, 2011: and began to pray one hour each day for God's blessing on our evangelism mission.
To start this new evangelism ministry, Fr. Aldrich and I met with Fr. Giovanni Venturucci, the pastor of Chaozhou parish to form new Catechumen groups. We decided to first visit parishioners, especially alienated Catholics. To get started in this, I have re-organized parish data, evaluated parishioners’ interest, and then designed the programs accordingly. I have also been actively participating in local church activities, building networks, and teaching parishioners how to pray more systematically for the conversion of their non-Catholic friends and family members. Parishioner training on how to invite non-Catholics started in May, and a Catechumen class started on June 12.
Since March 26, I have also been been assisting Rev. Arsenio Escabusa, OAR, the pastor of St. Michael's Church, teaching and giving pastoral counseling to eleven catechumens. The baptisms are scheduled for Christmas Day.
At the local Deanery meeting, I had a chance to introduce our parish evangelism ministry. The parishes at the near-by Deaneries, i.e. Neipu、Longcyuan、Wantan、Wanluan are willing to begin catechumen classes in cooperation with our Center after the month of June.
A Story from the Field,
Latest Updates
Evangelist Jr-Syung Hsu
Evangelist Jr-Syung Hsu’s father was a lay evangelist, whose ministry ended because of inadequate salary to meet a family’s bare necessity needs. However, he is consoled in having a full-time evangelist son.
Without any special preparation, Jr-Syung entered the restaurant business, and experienced many ups and downs, successes and failures for ten plus years. In 2003, he had a mystical experience which made him start searching for God’s will for him. Finally he joined the Evangelism Formation Program at the Fu Jen Theologate, became one of our first graduates. He then joined our first group of lay evangelists. Since 2009, over 100 people have been baptized because of his ministry.
Recently he handed over three well established catechumen classes to parishioners/new evangelists at Kuting Sacred Heart of Jesus and Banchio St. Joseph parishes. He started two catechumen classes and collaboration programs at Sulin Sacred Heart of Jesus and Banchio Sacred Heart of Mary parish:
1. Kuting Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish. Parishioners in the Evangelism Prayer (Formation) Group started their personal and group evangelism ministries in 2010.
2. Banchio St. Joseph Parish. Among the newly baptized in the past two years, three are discerning their priesthood callings and four members of the Evangelism Prayer (Formation) Group are discerning attendance in our Formation Center program at Fu Jen Theologate.
3. Lohsun St. William Parish. Between January 2006 and 2010 Mass attendance increased from about 20 people to 70 people, with significant increase among children and youth.
4. Sulin Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish. Initiated contact with parish and started a catechumen program there this last March.
While Jr-syung is leading the parish evangelism ministry, he has also been developing teaching materials:
1. Wrote an adult catechumen book in 2008 – A Little Donkey’s Journey of True Love.
2. Completed material for Evangelism Prayer Group, and edited material for evangelism formation program in 2009.
3. Started to teach “Evangelism Theory and Practice” and “Parish Collaboration Experience and Development” courses at the Evangelism Formation Center in 2010.
Jr-syung is now supported by a Mission Circle of benefactors, which consists of six "cells" totaling 32 individuals who support him financially and spiritually.
Without any special preparation, Jr-Syung entered the restaurant business, and experienced many ups and downs, successes and failures for ten plus years. In 2003, he had a mystical experience which made him start searching for God’s will for him. Finally he joined the Evangelism Formation Program at the Fu Jen Theologate, became one of our first graduates. He then joined our first group of lay evangelists. Since 2009, over 100 people have been baptized because of his ministry.
Recently he handed over three well established catechumen classes to parishioners/new evangelists at Kuting Sacred Heart of Jesus and Banchio St. Joseph parishes. He started two catechumen classes and collaboration programs at Sulin Sacred Heart of Jesus and Banchio Sacred Heart of Mary parish:
1. Kuting Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish. Parishioners in the Evangelism Prayer (Formation) Group started their personal and group evangelism ministries in 2010.
2. Banchio St. Joseph Parish. Among the newly baptized in the past two years, three are discerning their priesthood callings and four members of the Evangelism Prayer (Formation) Group are discerning attendance in our Formation Center program at Fu Jen Theologate.
3. Lohsun St. William Parish. Between January 2006 and 2010 Mass attendance increased from about 20 people to 70 people, with significant increase among children and youth.
4. Sulin Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish. Initiated contact with parish and started a catechumen program there this last March.
While Jr-syung is leading the parish evangelism ministry, he has also been developing teaching materials:
1. Wrote an adult catechumen book in 2008 – A Little Donkey’s Journey of True Love.
2. Completed material for Evangelism Prayer Group, and edited material for evangelism formation program in 2009.
3. Started to teach “Evangelism Theory and Practice” and “Parish Collaboration Experience and Development” courses at the Evangelism Formation Center in 2010.
Jr-syung is now supported by a Mission Circle of benefactors, which consists of six "cells" totaling 32 individuals who support him financially and spiritually.
A Story from the Field,
MIssion Circle
Financial Updates
Many thanks for your financial support and prayers.
We joyfully report that four of the new graduates from the Formation Center will join our Evangelism Centers, making a total of 15 evangelists in the next fiscal year.
We greatly appreciate your continuous support at the time of experiencing 7% loss of value due to the change of the exchange rate from US dollar to NT dollar in the past year.
We joyfully report that four of the new graduates from the Formation Center will join our Evangelism Centers, making a total of 15 evangelists in the next fiscal year.
We greatly appreciate your continuous support at the time of experiencing 7% loss of value due to the change of the exchange rate from US dollar to NT dollar in the past year.
You Shall Love One Another
Evangelist Sywen Lwo at Hsinchu Center
I have been ministering at Kuan-si Township in Hsinchu County for one year. It was a joy that 19 people were baptized: 13 were from my direct evangelism programs, and six were indirectly from the parish evangelism programs that I assisted. In the past, this parish had less than 50 parishioners, and only had one or no baptisms per year. Praise the Lord for the changes since we have ministered there.
After our evangelists came to Kuan-si, we jointly implemented various and popular physical, psychological, and spiritual programs with volunteer Catholics at the parish hall. On May 21, we had about 60 local residents who attended our programs also attend the quarter-end exhibit and teacher appreciation dinner. They were delighted for the opportunity to enter into the Catholic church where they have been passed by for the past thirty some years. Participants were grateful for the fruits of the programs. Alienated Catholic participants who attended programs have now become volunteers to serve in programs.
Jesus said “You shall love one another”. This loving spirit was fully shown at the potluck gathering and in the service of the devoted volunteer teachers. The seeds of Good News are out there, soon they will sprout and grow in the community. We currently have six catechumen classes on going, please continue to support and pray for us!
I have been ministering at Kuan-si Township in Hsinchu County for one year. It was a joy that 19 people were baptized: 13 were from my direct evangelism programs, and six were indirectly from the parish evangelism programs that I assisted. In the past, this parish had less than 50 parishioners, and only had one or no baptisms per year. Praise the Lord for the changes since we have ministered there.
After our evangelists came to Kuan-si, we jointly implemented various and popular physical, psychological, and spiritual programs with volunteer Catholics at the parish hall. On May 21, we had about 60 local residents who attended our programs also attend the quarter-end exhibit and teacher appreciation dinner. They were delighted for the opportunity to enter into the Catholic church where they have been passed by for the past thirty some years. Participants were grateful for the fruits of the programs. Alienated Catholic participants who attended programs have now become volunteers to serve in programs.
Jesus said “You shall love one another”. This loving spirit was fully shown at the potluck gathering and in the service of the devoted volunteer teachers. The seeds of Good News are out there, soon they will sprout and grow in the community. We currently have six catechumen classes on going, please continue to support and pray for us!
A Story from the Field,
Latest Updates
Dear friends,
Rev. Mateo Ricci S.J. went to China 400 years ago. He was the first missionary who inculturated local culture into Christianity among Chinese. In the past four centuries, the vision of “local lay evangelist/clergy” has been carried out by many Jesuit missionaries who might be your friends or family members. The collaboration of the local lay evangelist and missionaries truly kindles people’s desire in searching the true peace and joy in their daily life, and eventually join our Catholic family.
In this issue of the newsletter, you will read how our local lay evangelists kindle people’s desires with each of their own special gifts in various communities in Taiwan. You can also find some common approaches that they use to lead toward successful results. Three Chinese Catholic Communities which are located on the west coast of the U.S. have been inspired by Fr. Aldrich’s approaches and promote their local evangelism ministries. All these communities are very pleased to adapt this new approach of the evangelism. This method is not only effective among the Chinese in Taiwan, but also in the U.S.
Our fifth Center was opened at Pingtung, the southernmost county in Taiwan in March. We’ll have 15 evangelists serving at five Evangelism Centers for six dioceses in the next fiscal year. You can find the information and pictures of the programs and evangelist(s) for each Center on our newly created Chinese website at http://www.splendoroflife.org.
Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Because of your partnership with us in the vineyard, branches are growing well and yielding good fruits. Currently six lay evangelists have been adopted through the Evangelist Adoption Program, and many thanks to the Koch Foundation who gave us a second-year grant supporting our Shinchu Evangelist Center. Through your generous support, God has been providing our basic needs. We ask for your continuous financial support and prayers, so we can sustain the growth to meet the needs of local full-time professional lay evangelists.
Jesuit California Province (CPSJ) now has a full-time staff working on Planned Gifts. This program allows benefactors legally turning “the tax for Caesar” into “the gifts for God.” Please contact me for details or check it out at: http://jesuitscalifornia.giftlegacy.com.
God bless!
In Christ,
Yvonne Chow
Local Contact in the U.S.
Dear friends,
Rev. Mateo Ricci S.J. went to China 400 years ago. He was the first missionary who inculturated local culture into Christianity among Chinese. In the past four centuries, the vision of “local lay evangelist/clergy” has been carried out by many Jesuit missionaries who might be your friends or family members. The collaboration of the local lay evangelist and missionaries truly kindles people’s desire in searching the true peace and joy in their daily life, and eventually join our Catholic family.
In this issue of the newsletter, you will read how our local lay evangelists kindle people’s desires with each of their own special gifts in various communities in Taiwan. You can also find some common approaches that they use to lead toward successful results. Three Chinese Catholic Communities which are located on the west coast of the U.S. have been inspired by Fr. Aldrich’s approaches and promote their local evangelism ministries. All these communities are very pleased to adapt this new approach of the evangelism. This method is not only effective among the Chinese in Taiwan, but also in the U.S.
Our fifth Center was opened at Pingtung, the southernmost county in Taiwan in March. We’ll have 15 evangelists serving at five Evangelism Centers for six dioceses in the next fiscal year. You can find the information and pictures of the programs and evangelist(s) for each Center on our newly created Chinese website at http://www.splendoroflife.org.
Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Because of your partnership with us in the vineyard, branches are growing well and yielding good fruits. Currently six lay evangelists have been adopted through the Evangelist Adoption Program, and many thanks to the Koch Foundation who gave us a second-year grant supporting our Shinchu Evangelist Center. Through your generous support, God has been providing our basic needs. We ask for your continuous financial support and prayers, so we can sustain the growth to meet the needs of local full-time professional lay evangelists.
Jesuit California Province (CPSJ) now has a full-time staff working on Planned Gifts. This program allows benefactors legally turning “the tax for Caesar” into “the gifts for God.” Please contact me for details or check it out at: http://jesuitscalifornia.giftlegacy.com.
God bless!
In Christ,
Yvonne Chow
Local Contact in the U.S.
我知道我們的恩人中,許多人也投身在自已的團体或本堂的福傳事工上。要做好福傳事工,必需帶領福傳對象有皈依的經驗,給予心和靈的輔導, 教授教義,教他們祈禱,幫助他們融入堂區團體 … 等等。但在此事工開始之前,必需有一個先天的條件,那就是福傳對象要願意多認識一些天主、耶穌、聖三。大家都在找尋福傳最有效的方法,我們發現最有效的方法是要在 “人力和物力的付出” 與“成果”之間的取捨。也就是說在有效的方法中,有些是事半功倍,有些卻是事倍功半。最重要的是,似乎所有人力的部分都需要堂區教友們做到某一程度的[一領一] 再加上專業人員事前的策劃和事後的追蹤。今天我將專注在: 勞力勞財的 [一領一] 大型福傳活動成敗的原因。
台中天主之母堂的本堂神父舉辦「一領一尾牙福傳大會」,由教友們出錢邀請他們的非教友親朋好友參加. 在參加的六百人中,大約二百人是非教友。我們福傳師努力地確定每一桌的每一個人都一張問卷調查,在晚餐中提醒大家回答此問卷,以便得取一些像是姓名、電話、福傳對象興趣的基本資訊,然後收集所有的問卷。這每一步驟都有其不同的難度. 尾牙之後的數週之內,福傳師開始追蹤這些對天主教有興趣的福傳對象,並邀約他(她) 們來參加慕道前期班,這過程是既急迫緊湊又困難的工作。雖然在參加的非教友中,最後有20位領洗,但是這尾牙的聚會需要很多的事先精心策劃與會後有系統的追蹤。相比之下,我也知道有幾個大型的福傳大會(比方說音樂會) ,需要同樣多的人力與物力,也有近乎二百以上的非教友參加,但最終沒有一位領洗,因為沒有去設計一個方法來收集非教友的基本資料或沒有系統性地追蹤並邀請他(她) 們參加慕道班。
由以上的經驗來看,我們知道勞力又勞財的福傳活動是值得的,但是我們也學會必需要謹填地策劃與追蹤,否則對於未來的福傳工作,最後只剩下挫折與排斥。在以後的通訊中,我會繼續分享一些其他的 [一領一] 福傳活動,使用較少的人力與物力,它們又會有些什麼樣的成果。
我知道我們的恩人中,許多人也投身在自已的團体或本堂的福傳事工上。要做好福傳事工,必需帶領福傳對象有皈依的經驗,給予心和靈的輔導, 教授教義,教他們祈禱,幫助他們融入堂區團體 … 等等。但在此事工開始之前,必需有一個先天的條件,那就是福傳對象要願意多認識一些天主、耶穌、聖三。大家都在找尋福傳最有效的方法,我們發現最有效的方法是要在 “人力和物力的付出” 與“成果”之間的取捨。也就是說在有效的方法中,有些是事半功倍,有些卻是事倍功半。最重要的是,似乎所有人力的部分都需要堂區教友們做到某一程度的[一領一] 再加上專業人員事前的策劃和事後的追蹤。今天我將專注在: 勞力勞財的 [一領一] 大型福傳活動成敗的原因。
台中天主之母堂的本堂神父舉辦「一領一尾牙福傳大會」,由教友們出錢邀請他們的非教友親朋好友參加. 在參加的六百人中,大約二百人是非教友。我們福傳師努力地確定每一桌的每一個人都一張問卷調查,在晚餐中提醒大家回答此問卷,以便得取一些像是姓名、電話、福傳對象興趣的基本資訊,然後收集所有的問卷。這每一步驟都有其不同的難度. 尾牙之後的數週之內,福傳師開始追蹤這些對天主教有興趣的福傳對象,並邀約他(她) 們來參加慕道前期班,這過程是既急迫緊湊又困難的工作。雖然在參加的非教友中,最後有20位領洗,但是這尾牙的聚會需要很多的事先精心策劃與會後有系統的追蹤。相比之下,我也知道有幾個大型的福傳大會(比方說音樂會) ,需要同樣多的人力與物力,也有近乎二百以上的非教友參加,但最終沒有一位領洗,因為沒有去設計一個方法來收集非教友的基本資料或沒有系統性地追蹤並邀請他(她) 們參加慕道班。
由以上的經驗來看,我們知道勞力又勞財的福傳活動是值得的,但是我們也學會必需要謹填地策劃與追蹤,否則對於未來的福傳工作,最後只剩下挫折與排斥。在以後的通訊中,我會繼續分享一些其他的 [一領一] 福傳活動,使用較少的人力與物力,它們又會有些什麼樣的成果。
屏東福傳中心福傳師 周蓮花
今年培訓中心六月的畢業生中, 有四位將進入福傳中心服務,下一個會計年度總共有十五位福傳師分佈在五個福傳中心: 台北、新竹、台中、高雄、屏柬.
懇請恩人們繼續支持我們正在成長中的福傳事工, 尤其因為過去一年台幣升值, 當美金兌換成台幣時,就這樣損失了7%.
今年培訓中心六月的畢業生中, 有四位將進入福傳中心服務,下一個會計年度總共有十五位福傳師分佈在五個福傳中心: 台北、新竹、台中、高雄、屏柬.
懇請恩人們繼續支持我們正在成長中的福傳事工, 尤其因為過去一年台幣升值, 當美金兌換成台幣時,就這樣損失了7%.
1. 古亭耶穌聖心堂[101福傳祈禱小團體] 所培訓的教友於2010年進升轉型為[101真愛慕道生活團體] ,正式展開團體和個人的慕道福傳使命,由成員自養和分工管理,開辦慕道班。
2. 板橋若望堂新近兩年慕道領洗的新教友中,分辨聖召者有三位男性青年。 教友中考慮加入輔大神學院福傳組培育者有四人。
3. 樂生聖威廉堂在2006年一月每主日彌撒教友人數約二十人,在2010年增加為七十人,兒童及青年人數也明顯增加。現設有小型慕道班,陸續有八位成人慕道領洗。
4. 樹林耶穌聖心堂為附設幼稚園教職員開設二梯次 [認識天主教信仰]課程,結束後園長和一位老師加入慕道班。 慕道一班有九位慕道受洗者,再設慕道二班。
同時, 智雄也開始著作和編輯教學教材:
1. 2008年完成『小驢駒《真愛之旅》成人慕道教材』初版的著作。
2. 2009年完成整套『培育平信徒帶領 [福傳祈禱團體] 教材』的著作與編輯。
3. 2010年開始帶領福傳培訓中心『個人福傳理論與實務演練』和『堂區慕道合作經驗與發展』課程。
1. 古亭耶穌聖心堂[101福傳祈禱小團體] 所培訓的教友於2010年進升轉型為[101真愛慕道生活團體] ,正式展開團體和個人的慕道福傳使命,由成員自養和分工管理,開辦慕道班。
2. 板橋若望堂新近兩年慕道領洗的新教友中,分辨聖召者有三位男性青年。 教友中考慮加入輔大神學院福傳組培育者有四人。
3. 樂生聖威廉堂在2006年一月每主日彌撒教友人數約二十人,在2010年增加為七十人,兒童及青年人數也明顯增加。現設有小型慕道班,陸續有八位成人慕道領洗。
4. 樹林耶穌聖心堂為附設幼稚園教職員開設二梯次 [認識天主教信仰]課程,結束後園長和一位老師加入慕道班。 慕道一班有九位慕道受洗者,再設慕道二班。
同時, 智雄也開始著作和編輯教學教材:
1. 2008年完成『小驢駒《真愛之旅》成人慕道教材』初版的著作。
2. 2009年完成整套『培育平信徒帶領 [福傳祈禱團體] 教材』的著作與編輯。
3. 2010年開始帶領福傳培訓中心『個人福傳理論與實務演練』和『堂區慕道合作經驗與發展』課程。
新竹中心福傳師 羅萱
在五月份,油桐花開滿了山區, 白色美麗的花瓣, 將青山裝點得浪漫繽紛;而入夜以後,在錦山山區更有成千上萬的螢火蟲閃爍飛舞, 彷彿進入了夢幻國度, 使人不禁讚嘆造物主的奇妙化工。
在這美麗的新竹縣關西客家鎮福傳, 已將屆滿一年了. 由福傳師聽道領洗的人數有十三人, 帶動堂區福傳亦另有六人領洗. 合計十九人領洗的成績,實在令人歡欣! 在過去這小鎮上不到五十位進堂教友的教堂, 往年每年只有約一人領洗, 甚或無人領洗。相較起來福傳師駐地後, 確實差異改變很大!讚美天主!
五月二十一日在教堂活動中心,舉辦三個月一次的社團謝師宴暨成果發表會,來了近六十位社區民眾, 這是福傳師來此之後,利用堂區活動中心,及志工教友開辦的各種免費課程。 包括氣功班、 桌球班、 讚美操班、 拚布班、相片編輯班、品格教育班、書法班…..等, 頗受歡迎, 大家都很開心的談論數十年來從未能走進過天主堂, 如今在這裡上課, 收穫很多,覺得非常感謝。其中亦發現有離教多年的教友在其中, 也開始自動加入服務的工作。
由於老師們無私的奉獻和愛心, 使學生感受到了這份”愛”的氣氛, 大夥一家一菜的餐宴以及彼此善待的心情, 使得耶穌基督的教導: “你們要彼此相愛” 在此自然呈現.相信福音的種子已經播撤出去, 期望不久的將來, 可以逐一發芽茁壯…今年有六個慕道班繼續上課,請大家繼續奉獻祈禱,加油!
在五月份,油桐花開滿了山區, 白色美麗的花瓣, 將青山裝點得浪漫繽紛;而入夜以後,在錦山山區更有成千上萬的螢火蟲閃爍飛舞, 彷彿進入了夢幻國度, 使人不禁讚嘆造物主的奇妙化工。
在這美麗的新竹縣關西客家鎮福傳, 已將屆滿一年了. 由福傳師聽道領洗的人數有十三人, 帶動堂區福傳亦另有六人領洗. 合計十九人領洗的成績,實在令人歡欣! 在過去這小鎮上不到五十位進堂教友的教堂, 往年每年只有約一人領洗, 甚或無人領洗。相較起來福傳師駐地後, 確實差異改變很大!讚美天主!
五月二十一日在教堂活動中心,舉辦三個月一次的社團謝師宴暨成果發表會,來了近六十位社區民眾, 這是福傳師來此之後,利用堂區活動中心,及志工教友開辦的各種免費課程。 包括氣功班、 桌球班、 讚美操班、 拚布班、相片編輯班、品格教育班、書法班…..等, 頗受歡迎, 大家都很開心的談論數十年來從未能走進過天主堂, 如今在這裡上課, 收穫很多,覺得非常感謝。其中亦發現有離教多年的教友在其中, 也開始自動加入服務的工作。
由於老師們無私的奉獻和愛心, 使學生感受到了這份”愛”的氣氛, 大夥一家一菜的餐宴以及彼此善待的心情, 使得耶穌基督的教導: “你們要彼此相愛” 在此自然呈現.相信福音的種子已經播撤出去, 期望不久的將來, 可以逐一發芽茁壯…今年有六個慕道班繼續上課,請大家繼續奉獻祈禱,加油!
福傳中心已進入第五個年頭,感謝大家的鼓勵與支持,我們的福傳事工正在穩定的成長中。今年的三月份,屏東成立了第五個福傳中心;暑假過後,將有福傳師駐進嘉義教區,協助當地福傳事工。下學年度,將有十五位福傳師,分佈於五個福傳中心,事奉六個教區: 台北、新竹、台中、嘉義、高雄、屏東。
歡迎您在我們的雙語部落格 (http://chineselayevangelist.blogspot.com) 留言、討論、分享您的福傳經驗。若您有親友在台願意多了解一些天主教,請查看我們新成立的中文網站 (http://www.splendoroflife.org) ,找尋鄰近的福傳中心或福傳師聯絡方法。最近一年,陸續聽到恩人與我們分享他們在台的家人經由我們福傳師帶領而領洗的故事,應驗了“一人信主, 全家得救”的喜訊。
耶穌會加州省(CPSJ) 最近有專員協助恩人合法地將「給凱撒的稅」變成「給天主的獻儀」,有興趣者可與我聯絡或上網 (http://jesuitscalifornia.giftlegacy.com) 查看。若您願意投資於「福傳圈-福傳師領養計劃」,幫助更多人得享天主的平安喜樂的話,也請與我聯絡。感謝您在過去任何金額的贊助,也誠摯地邀請您繼續地支持、鼓勵與祈禱!
福傳中心已進入第五個年頭,感謝大家的鼓勵與支持,我們的福傳事工正在穩定的成長中。今年的三月份,屏東成立了第五個福傳中心;暑假過後,將有福傳師駐進嘉義教區,協助當地福傳事工。下學年度,將有十五位福傳師,分佈於五個福傳中心,事奉六個教區: 台北、新竹、台中、嘉義、高雄、屏東。
歡迎您在我們的雙語部落格 (http://chineselayevangelist.blogspot.com) 留言、討論、分享您的福傳經驗。若您有親友在台願意多了解一些天主教,請查看我們新成立的中文網站 (http://www.splendoroflife.org) ,找尋鄰近的福傳中心或福傳師聯絡方法。最近一年,陸續聽到恩人與我們分享他們在台的家人經由我們福傳師帶領而領洗的故事,應驗了“一人信主, 全家得救”的喜訊。
耶穌會加州省(CPSJ) 最近有專員協助恩人合法地將「給凱撒的稅」變成「給天主的獻儀」,有興趣者可與我聯絡或上網 (http://jesuitscalifornia.giftlegacy.com) 查看。若您願意投資於「福傳圈-福傳師領養計劃」,幫助更多人得享天主的平安喜樂的話,也請與我聯絡。感謝您在過去任何金額的贊助,也誠摯地邀請您繼續地支持、鼓勵與祈禱!
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