Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oct. 2008 Newsletter - A Story from the Field

On Easter Vigil this year, March 22, Monica and the other elects in the RCIA joyfully received the Sacrament of Initiation and merrily joined the Catholic family. Finally she accepted the salvation and became a God’s child that she had deeply wished for during the RCIA process.

Last year Monica Wang was invited by her brother and sister-in-law to attend the Church Tour and RCIA which was jointly organized by the Evangelism Center and the Lady of China Parish. She was one of the several who was touched by God and shed tears while touring the church; she signed up RCIA right there. She never missed any session; she even fully participated the retreat before the baptism. Through her incredible perfect attendance, she was transformed.

She always invited her son and daughter-in-law to attend each of the important RCIA rites and the Sacrament of Initiation. Her faith and joy touched her son and daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law, Wei-Yuan Wang decided to join RCIA at Monica’s baptism; and has been a catechumen for five months now. Monica’s 3-year-old grandson, John Chu who is Wei-Yuan’s son was just baptized on Sept. 21st.

Even though Monica’s son is still too busy to join RCIA, the faith-filled family atmosphere touched him and people have noticed his change. What an amazing grace that one believes in the Lord Jesus and one’s household will be saved! It is just as Jesus promised: today salvation has come to this house. Alleluia!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, please pray for Wei-Yuan. She shared with Jr-Li Yin, one of our evangelists that: during the Holy Hour last Friday, she prayed to be a lay evangelist; she is a servant of God and would like to give her life to the Lord!

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