Monday, May 31, 2010

May 2010 Newsletter - fm Fr. Aldrich

Week of Consolation

About promoting first proclamation evangelism, I tell everyone there are two truths: it is very difficult; but it can be done. Today I would like to share with you not the difficulties, but a recent "week of consolation."

On evening of Monday, May 3, I went with our newest lay evangelist, Ms. Lwo Sywen and a young student from our Evangelism Department (they are both Hakka) to visit the Pastoral Council for a Hakka parish in Kuan-si. We prayed together three complete rosaries on the way there, asking for Our Lady's help. Ms. Lwo explains the background of this parish and our experiences in this newsletter, but I would also like to share with you what the young man told the pastoral council about his own experience. This young man recently converted five years ago. Growing up, his grandfather had spent much time explaining to him what it means to be a Hakka. He shared with us that in becoming a Catholic, he felt no conflict with being Hakka and that his relationship to Jesus complimented his ethnic identity. He wanted to share his Catholic faith with the Hakka people so they too could have experience the same closeness to God and to their own culture. The acceptance we received from the Hakka Catholics of the pastoral council to jointly start parish evangelism was the first consolation of the week.

On Thursday, I went with a teacher from our Evangelism Department, Mr. Lee, to visit our Center in Taichung. Recently, we transferred Grace Huang to Taichung working in an area call Nan-twun. The parish priest there is a missionary from Africa and he was very happy with the work Grace has been doing. He told me about the 1-0-1 Saturday catechumen course, "Our only problem is that we don't have room for all those who are coming." Grace has already started six catechumen courses in the Taichung diocese. This successful collaboration of a foreign missionary and our local, lay evangelist was my second consolation of the week. (There are more details about Grace's work in this newsletter).

On Saturday, Teacher Lee, lay evangelist Hsu Jr-syung and I were invited by Bishop of Jiayi to give a day of instruction to the volunteer teachers who run the catechumen programs in his diocese. The bishopcompletely affirmed the mission of Chinese Lay Missionaries (to form and support local, lay evangelists). He also invited these volunteer teachers to go through three years formation to become full-time lay evangelists. The bishop also asked us to open an Evangelism Center in his diocese; unfortunately we are not ready for this now, but will send someone there as soon as possible. The welcoming of the local bishop was the third consolation of the week.

Now I can offer a better explanation about promoting first proclamation evangelism: it is very difficult, but it can be done…and in doing it, there is much consolation from God

May 2010 Newsletter - Latest Updates

New Hsinchu Evangelism Center – Hakka Evangelism
By Evangelist Lwo Sywen

The beautiful Tung tree flowers, a symbol of the Hakka culture, are blossoming all over the mountain area of the west coast of Taiwan at this time of the year. This mountainous west cost is where most Hakka gathers at Hsien, Tao, and Miao counties in Taiwan. Canadian missionaries brought the faith here in 1954. This is the first place where Hakka evangelism from our Evangelism Center begins – Kuan-si Township in Hsinchu County.

Long ago, there was a Lei-zhi Evangelism School that had trained dozens of evangelists, which meant the church was always packed on Sundays. Because of mission shifted and losing evangelists, Kuan-si Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish has only 50 parishioners now. Most parishioners are elderly, and I am the only evangelist. From the parishioners’ thrilling expression when they heard that the Pastoral Council had approved my evangelism ministry here, I could feel the desire of the long-awaited Sacred Heart of Jesus who urgently wanted to bestow His love on the people. It is such a blessing for me to be the channel of His love.

I also want to thank all the benefactors’ generous support so the newest Hsin-chu Evangelism Center could open in March. Thank you and may God’s blessings be with you and your family always!

May 2010 Newsletter - A Look into Evangelism

Evangelist Grace Huang’s New Ministry at Taichung Center

Inculturation of Systematic One-Brings-One Evangelism

St. Vianney Parish is located at the Nan-twun area in Taichung and has around 200 (about 40% of the total registered) active parishioners. In February 2010, the parish and our Evangelism Center jointly hosted a “Weiya 1-0-1 Evangelism” event - God invites His people, including non-Catholics from every profession to His year-end banquet. It inculturates the Weiya tradition, in which the business owner hosts a year-end banquet for all employees. Parishioners invited their friends, relatives, and colleagues to this parish event, and then accompanied the non-Catholics to attend the pre-catechumen classes. Through this event, we have 16 people joining the group catechumen class and five in the individual classes.

Systematic 1-0-1 Evangelism at Lu-kang Queen of Peace Parish

Folk religion dominates the religion of Lu-kang. Only about 50 active parishioners which is about 50% of the total registered at the Queen of Peace. Parish and Evangelism Center jointly began evangelism in 2009 and five were baptized in December. Parishioners were very excited and said this was the first time there were this many people being baptized in the past decades!
Their newly-baptized are now serving in the catechumen class and accompanying the new catechumens. We had the second Systematic 1-0-1 Evangelism event in 2010. Through this event, we now have five people in the group catechumen class and three in the individual classes.

May 2010 Newsletter - A Story from the Field

The Beautiful Footsteps of Evangelism
By Evangelist Jrli (Tosca) Yin
The footsteps of an evangelist are so beautiful! I have always truly believed what St. Paul said about it and have often been touched by God’s promise.
One day, I accompanied a college student to his First Communion, so I was assigned to a seat at the first row on the left which was different from where I normally sit. When the presider said to offer peace to each other, I offered peace to others as usual. But when I turned back, I saw several people in the congregation who were in my catechumen class before and were baptized last year. To see the joy in their eyes and their gracious expressions, Lord, your joyful consolation filled me up and overflowed!

May 2010 Newsletter - Fruits on the Vine

Newly Baptized Shepherds

The 1-0-1 Evangelism Prayer Community at the Sacred Heart Parish in Taipei started on March, 2008. Members of this group were mostly inactive Catholics who were baptized in the last three years or catechumens who had joined the RCIA before but were never baptized.

Some of the members have little faith or many personal problems. After joining the community, their relationship with God were renewed because of their deep prayer experiences. Gradually they started to devote themselves in parish ministries. Furthermore, they began to give testimony about their conversions and introduce the Lord to those around them. They eagerly want to share their faith and bring God’s blessing to others.

The community has grown by the invitation of their closest friends, relatives, or colleagues. Recently the members formed a new catechumen class by themselves on April 10, 2010. They are responsible for setting up the facility, preparing snacks, pastoral care, and prayer partners. They offer time, talent, and treasure to accompany new catechumens.

This newly started catechumen class already has 12 catechumens attending regularly. The original members who again attend the program as companions understood the faith deeper in their daily life. The newly baptized lambs have become little shepherds!

May 2010 Newsletter - Financial Support

Dear evangelism partner,

Thank you for laboring with us in evangelism through prayers and financial support. It has been three years since the first Evangelism Center opened. Now we have a total of four Evangelism Centers and eight full-time lay evangelists serving in one archdiocese and three dioceses in Taiwan. Two more bishops have invited us to support their dioceses and more students graduating from the Evangelism Department will join the existing Evangelism Centers this summer. For the new students of the upcoming school year, 12 candidates have already taken the entrance exam earlier this month, and there are two more chances in the summer for those who could not make it this time. We thank God for His blessing to our evangelism work.

From this newsletter, you will see that our vision of the lay evangelist for Chinese people has been coming true. First, the inculturation has clarified the misconception of Christianity as a foreign religion, which is one of the major road blocks to evangelize among Chinese. Second, the collaboration between foreign missionaries and local lay evangelists has reduced the language and culture gap. Lastly, the newly-baptized initiated and took on the responsibility to form new catechumen classes. Due to the celebration of the sesquicentennial of Catholicism in Taiwan last year, the awareness of evangelism is increasing. Dioceses and parishes are promoting and implementing evangelism programs. Because of only a few shepherds but many sheep, lay evangelists and the students who are in the internship often work overtime.

We finally have a blog now: Please feel free to post a missionary’s story who is serving or served among Chinese, or you can mail it to me and I can post it for you. You can also leave comments for our newsletter articles. It is our wish that we can exchange our evangelism experiences through this blog.

Financially, we received a one-year grant from the Koch Foundation, which is our first foundation partner in the United States. Also, 47 benefactors formed three Mission Circles and adopted three lay evangelists. The Lord has also blessed us with many generous benefactors, the support from both the Jesuit California and Chinese Provinces, and two more potential Circles in the making, but we have not reached our goal yet. We believe that working together we will be able to support the financial needs for the 11 evangelists ($20,000 per person), scholarships ($3,000 per student), and other financial aid ($3,000 for single and $11,000 for married) for 11 students for the coming school year.

Thank you for your continuous support. Because of your support, we could continuously grow and bring the peace and joy of the Lord to more people. Please also invite your friends and relatives to join our “One-Brings-One” evangelism ministry through financial support and/or prayers. Please let me know if you would like to know more about the Mission Circle program.

God bless!

In Christ,
Yvonne Chow
Local Contact in the U.S.

2010年5月通訊- 牧者心語


談到推廣福傳, 我告訴大家二件事實: 很難, 但是可行. 今天我要和各位分享的, 不是很難的部分,而是分享最近感到欣慰的一週.

五月三號, 週一. 我和福傳組的一位年輕學生(客家籍) 以及最新加入的羅萱福傳師 (客家籍) 一起去拜訪客家關西天主堂的牧靈委員會. 在去的路上, 我們唸了三整串的玫瑰經, 祈求聖母的協助. 此天主堂的背景在羅萱福傳師的文章中有介紹, 而我想與你們分享的, 是這位年輕人告訴牧靈委員會的一個真實故事. 這位年輕人才領洗五年. 從小,祖父就諄諄教誨身為一個客家人的意義. 他與大家分享,做為一個天主教徒與做一個客家人並不衝突, 而且他與耶穌的關係使他成為一個更道地的客家人. 他希望更多的客家人可以在沈浸於客家文化的同時, 也能與主親近. 本週第一件欣慰的事,就是客家天主堂的牧靈委員會接納了我們, 以後將攜手展開堂區福傳工作.

週四. 我和福傳組的李老師去探訪我們的台中福傳中心. 原本在蘆洲的黃惠敏福傳師最近轉調到台中南屯. 非洲籍的本堂神父非常滿意她的工作. 本堂神父說, 每週六“一領一”慕道班惟一的問題是場地太小, 容納不下所有想來參加的人. 惠敏在台中教區已開了六個慕道班. 本週第二件欣慰的事,就是外國傳教士與本地平信徒福傳師一起合作, 很成功地一起傳福音. 在惠敏的文章中, 有較詳細的介紹.

週六. 我和李老師以及台北的許智雄福傳師應嘉義主教的邀請, 為帶領慕道班的老師們做一天的講習. 主教百分之百贊同我們福傳中心的願景去培養並支持本地平信徒福傳師. 同時他也邀請老師們參加我們三年的培訓而後成為專職的平信徒福傳師. 主教邀請我們在他的教區成立福傳中心. 不過建立新的中心需要時間, 所以當我們有適當人選時, 會盡快派一個福傳師去. 本週第三件欣慰的事,就是本地主教的熱情接納.

所以我現在要對推廣直接福傳做一個較為完整的解釋: 它很難, 但是可行; 而在做的過程中,神的許多安慰與喜樂從天而降!

2010年5月通訊- 最新動態

新竹福傳中心 - 福傳客家民族
文:羅萱 福傳師

2010年5月通訊- 福傳視窗


位於台中市南屯的聖維雅內天主堂,進堂教友人數約200人(佔教友總人數約40%),2010年2月南屯天主堂和輔大神學院福傳中心合作、辦「尾牙101福傳」- 天主是老闆,宴請各行各業的天主子民。 藉由中國人年終辦尾牙的習俗、結合101福傳活動,堂區教友動員101邀約非教友的親朋好友來參加「尾牙101福傳」,之後邀請教友們儘可能陪伴福傳對象來參加「慕道前期課程」。目前藉由101福傳而來參加團體慕道班者約有16人參加,個人慕道約有5位正在進行中。


2010年5月通訊- 美麗的福傳腳步

文:應芝莉 福傳師

有一天的彌撒,我陪一個大學生去初領聖體,因此被安排在我平常比較少會去坐的位置-聖堂左邊第一排。當神父說「請大家互祝平安時」,我如同平常那樣與大家互道平安;當我轉身向後時,映入眼簾的是幾位近一年才領洗的教友們, 他們曾在我所服務的慕道班慕道,看到他們滿眼的笑與親切的表情,主啊!我的幸福,好滿!好滿!

2010年5月通訊- 福傳成果分享



2010年5月通訊- 贊助資訊


謝謝您在財務上和祈禱中與我們一起為福傳的努力. 福傳中心已進入第三個年頭, 現有四所福傳中心和八位專職福傳師服務於四個教區. 今暑將有新的畢業生加入福傳陣容, 同時另外還有二位主教邀請我們支援他們的教區. 下學年福傳組的招生,五月份第一次考試已有十二人參試. 感謝天主對我們福傳工作的祝福.

由這期通訊可看到, 我們和您對華人福傳的願景一朵一朵地在開展: 信仰與民俗的結合,破除了基督宗教是洋教的迷思; 本地專業福傳師與外籍傳教士神父的合作, 彌補外籍傳教士在語言和習俗上的隔陔; 由福傳師帶領而領洗的新教友發揮“一領一”的功力, 自已組織新生代的慕道班. 去年台灣慶祝“天主教到台150年”, 福傳意識普遍提高, 各個教區與堂區積極推廣福傳. 在牧羊人少羊多的情況下, 福傳師和實習學生們超時工作已不是件新鮮事!
我們現在已有自已的部落格: 如果願意與大家分享一位您所認識的傳教士的故事, 您可以登入或寄給我. 您也可以在部落格上回應我們通訊中的訊息.但願此部落格以後能成為彼此切磋福傳事工與溝通的平台.

在財務方面, 我們向Koch基金會申請到補助金,有了在美的第一個基金會夥伴. 還有四十七位恩人組成的三個福傳圈 - 領養了三位福傳師. 雖然天主不斷地透過慷慨的恩人們祝福著我們,還有二個正在蘊釀中的福傳圈和耶穌會加州省及中華省的支持, 但是距離目標還有一段距雖. 我們相信經由大家,一定可以提供下學年度福傳中心十一位福傳師(每人二萬美元) 的費用以及培訓中心十一位學生的獎學金(每人三千美元) 和助學金(單身者每人三千美元, 已婚者每人一萬一千美元).

感謝您的持續支持, 所以我們得以成長, 能使更多的人得到天主的平安喜樂. 也請您邀約親朋好友在財務和祈禱上支持我們 “一領一”的福傳事工. 如果您願意加入福傳圈來領養一位福傳師, 請與我聯絡! 祝

楊彤芳 (Yvonne Chow)敬上